Sunset Tour
for children (6-12)
135.00 HRK
128.25 HRK(17.30 €)
270.00 HRK
(39.88 €)

Sunset Tour
for children (6-12)
135.00 HRK
128.25 HRK(17.30 €)
270.00 HRK
(39.88 €)
Limited time offer - save 5%
About The Tour
Your favourite colour is sunset? Are you in love with kayak tours and Dubrovnik city? Then this is the tour for you. Your unforgettable Dubrovnik kayak tour starts beneath the fort St. Lawrence in the Pile bay, next to the restaurant Orhan.
First, we will have quick intro about route and safety on this Dubrovnik kayak tour. Our licensed tour guides will make sure you are ready for this adventure.
It is time to experience all the beauty of Dubrovnik surrounding, and the mysterious Lokrum island.
At this sea kayaking Dubrovnik tour we want to show you all beauty. So must see is cave beach Betina. There we will have a break for some snack (fruit or sandwiches), and later, some free time for fun like swimming and snorkelling.
If you feel brave enough, we can go on a cliff jumping, or you can relax and enjoy the Betina cave in your privacy and peace.
After some time, at this, really magical place, we continue kayaking across the channel to the Lokrum Island.
Don’t worry; we will have numerous stops to rest for a few minutes, to drink some water, and, of course, to take amazing pictures of the golden sunset over Dubrovnik and the sea.
More than halfway we will paddle toward the sunset, enjoy the sunset and its change from orange to a hundred shades of pink. When you see Dubrovnik in that scene, you will be clear why some of the most famous world magazines put Dubrovnik on the list of most amazing sunsets in the world.
After 7,5 km of paddling, it is time for glass (or two 😉 of some fine wine in a romantic Pile bay while chatting with your hosts and sunset tour guests.
Exclusively fine wines are from “Matuško winery”. You are welcome at Dubrovnik kayaking sunset tour!
Sunset Tour
270.00 HRK
(approx. 39.88 €)
Tour Meeting Point
When you come to the Pile Square, the last bus station you are going tosee a big mirror monument. Behind it there is a street leading to the sea. When you come down, my desk is just beneath the restaurant Orhan.

Tour Information
Included in the price
- All the equipment
- Drybag for the personal items
- Water
- Sandwich
- Snorkeling gear
- English speaking guide
- Insurance
Not included in price
- Pick up
What to bring
- Swimming suit
- Hat
- Towel
- Sunglasses
Age limits for participants
- Children under the age of 18 need a signed approval from the parent
- No maximum age limit
Number of participants
- 30
- 24h prior to departure time
Sunset Tour
270.00 HRK
(approx. 39.88 €)
Need Help?
We provide Professional qualified guides. Quality kayaking and safety equipment. If you have any question's just send us an email or simply call us!

This website is part of Croatia Holidays Ltd. group and offers island tours around Dubrovnik.
Croatia Holidays d.o.o. putnička agencija
Croatia Holidays d.o.o. za turizam i usluge, turistička agencija
MBS: 090031594
OIB: 36948406604
Nadležni sud: Trgovački sud u Dubrovniku
Share capital (Temeljni kapital): 20.000,00 Kuna (uplaćen u cijelosti)
TIBOR MLADINIĆ, OIB: 30373736574
Dubrovnik, ORAŠKA 11
– jedini član d.o.o.
TIBOR MLADINIĆ, OIB: 30373736574
Dubrovnik, ORAŠKA 11
– jedini član d.o.o.
Ovlaštenja voditelja poslova: odgovorna osoba za rad turističke agencije
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čijem službenom nadzoru podliježe djelatnost turističke agencije: Ministarstvo turizma,
Samostalni sektor turističke inspekcije, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/I, 1000, Zagreb
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