Our Tours

Short kayaking tour
(approx. 26.59 €)
While kayaking around the stunning city walls experience the beauty of Dubrovnik and learn about its history from our experienced guides.
Tags: City Walls, Caves
(approx. 26.59 €)
Sunset Tour
270.00 HRK
300.00 HRK(approx. 39.88 €)
Your favourite colour is sunset? Are you in love with kayak tours and Dubrovnik city? Then this is the tour for you.
Tags: Lokrum Island, Caves
270.00 HRK
300.00 HRK(approx. 39.88 €)
Half-day tour
240.00 HRK
270.00 HRK(approx. 35.89 €)
The sea kayaking in Dubrovnik is a great idea, and a half day kayak tour is one of the best options for kayak adventure in Dubrovnik.
Tags: Lokrum Island, Caves
240.00 HRK
270.00 HRK(approx. 35.89 €)
Sundown kayaking tour
(approx. 34.00 €)
Visit natural wonders of Island Lokrum and Betina Cave while paddling alongside the medieval scenery with our trusted guides
Tags: Lokrum Island, Caves
(approx. 34.00 €)
Regular kayaking tour
(approx. 31.05 €)
Experience the magic of the Island Lokrum and kayak along the marvels of the Old Town Dubrovnik with the guidance of our experienced guides.
Tags: Lokrum Island, Caves
(approx. 31.05 €)
Classic Tour
270.00 HRK
256.50 HRK(approx. 34.59 €)
Trip will take you out on the sea along the City Walls from where you paddle towards the island of Lokrum, only 800 meters far from the land.
Tags: Old Port, Caves, Beaches
270.00 HRK
256.50 HRK(approx. 34.59 €)

Do You Need Help?
Have any additional questions or need assistance choosing the right tour? Don't hesitate, contact us right away!

This website is part of Croatia Holidays Ltd. group and offers island tours around Dubrovnik.
Croatia Holidays d.o.o. putnička agencija
Croatia Holidays d.o.o. za turizam i usluge, turistička agencija
MBS: 090031594
OIB: 36948406604
Nadležni sud: Trgovački sud u Dubrovniku
Share capital (Temeljni kapital): 20.000,00 Kuna (uplaćen u cijelosti)
TIBOR MLADINIĆ, OIB: 30373736574
Dubrovnik, ORAŠKA 11
– jedini član d.o.o.
TIBOR MLADINIĆ, OIB: 30373736574
Dubrovnik, ORAŠKA 11
– jedini član d.o.o.
Ovlaštenja voditelja poslova: odgovorna osoba za rad turističke agencije
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Pojedinosti o nadležnom tijelu
čijem službenom nadzoru podliježe djelatnost turističke agencije: Ministarstvo turizma,
Samostalni sektor turističke inspekcije, Trg Republike Hrvatske 8/I, 1000, Zagreb
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